Peter Close
Beautiful cold cast bronze sculptures representing military glories or celebrities pertaining to the second world war history like Sir Winston Churchill, Douglas Bader, General Doolittle and many more.
Relicta Design
Are you "geek" of aviation, planes and design furnitures for your working or living space? Relicta Design transforms your wishes in reality allowing you to be 24 hours a day in an aeronautical ambiance.
These old, considered just good for scrap, pieces of planes, reinvented by virtue of the magics from Tiziano Rutilo and Rosario Gallina become part of your daily working or living environment.
They then are functionnal or decorative parts of your office or your home, allowing you to get your breakfast in your "AeroKitchen", to work in your "AeroOffice", to rest a while in your "AeroSeat",
then after an intensive day to relax in your "AeroJacusi", and finally to have a dinner in your "AeroKitchen". Geek or not you will love these pieces of art.
Relicta Design pictures gallery
Where to find:
Rue Haute 184, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
166 Rue Faubourg Saint Honoré 75008 Paris, France
iPad - e-iAIP
For travelling in Europe e-iAIP (European i AIP) from Bishop Media AB is an iPad/iPhone App permitting to view and to download for off line consultation the AIP informations and charts available via the web. There are several apps able to do so but are limited to one or few countries. For a very reasonnable annual fee, e-iAIP allows to get the AIP information from 45 countries:
Besides AIP infos and charts the programme has several other fonctionnalities such as NOTAM, METAR, and a database to show on a map the airspaces, zones, airports, airfields, VOR, ADF, etc .... allowing to plan a flight.
Screenshots of the different screens and functionalities :
Available in Apple store for iphone and iPad.
Christophe Parodi
Mekanik-Art by Christophe Parodi
Christophe Parodi's oil painting subjects encompass machines allowing to gracefully travel via ground, water or air.
Horst Gläsker - Art Aero
Wind turbines can be a concern for aviation. They trend to proliferate everywhere and to be sometimes implemented in runways paths. This may be a danger for planes. Uniformity of colour white or grey, is also part of their characteristics.
Fortunately Horst Gläsker proposes a nice solution to render these necessary but not always sympathetic electricity generators, in something nicer to look at, by transforming them in a colourful symphony of mast and propellers.
Alderney (Aurigny) Island is one of the Channel Islands, being part of the UK crown dependencies. Alderney is close (7 miles) to the French Cotentin Coast in which are located the beaches of the 1944 amphibious warfare of the allied forces.
Alderney has a nice, truly aviation friendly small airport (EGHA) which, quite probably occupies 2/10th of the surface or at least 2/10th of the length of the island! ! Pilot dream !!? You may live at a walking distance from the airport and maybe your plane. map
Alderney was visited one first time, very shortly, during a refuelling stop, when en route for Saint Mary (Scilly islands); with the promise to come back for a longer term visit.
Helped by a splendid, unusual, end of September mild and sunny weather, this second visit was relaxing with plenty of interesting people to meet, and many more to see and to do, than one may expect versus the size of the island.
Movie about Spitfire and JU 52
Spitfires, and a junker JU52 who wants maybe to be taken for a Ford Trimotor; male pilots almost no macho, a matchless 5 stars hotel buttler played by John Malkovitch; and a sexy female pilot slightly provocative.
Which pilot has never dreamed about flying a spitfire, trying to fight the tights, that a glamorous young lady pilot, carelessly throw from the window of her plane?
Humor, mythic planes, fluidity of the pictures and controls, adventure and action movie music.
No it is not a great history, but an advertisement to launch the Spitfire watches from IWC.
Maybe or maybe not an anthology advertisement, but with no doubt nice planes and pictures to fill the eyes.
New Flying Machine Volante
Send a free e-card with a Flying Machine Volante
EXHIBITION Jean Leclercqz - Brussels - Belgium - with appointment
Tel + 32 478 53 45 63
La Fiancée du Pilote
La Fiancée du pilote, is, a very probably true story!.....; which will remind to most of our ladies or to our partners......, their first encounter with a pilot... and then their first flight ......
Of course when she will wish, she will relate the next steps. Enjoy !
'Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, there you long to return.'(Leonardo da Vinci - 1480)